Yes! We are breathing, but Living or Existing??
Just because you are breathing doesn't mean you're alive.! To live life have become such a rare thing, most of the people just exist. And the so called 'Being Busy' have just become a trend now a days. But busy doing what?! Busy making memories with their family?! Naah... Busy exploring stuff around? I don't think so. Busy working hard to bring their imaginations alive?! Not actually. Busy making a handmade gift then?! No...I think they will just name it as time waste.! So busy doing crazy silly things which happen to bring a smile?! Hardly anyone does it though. THEN BUSY DOING WHAT??! People are busy being awake at nights and going into dreams in the morning. Busy sitting at a hookah parlour doing absolutely nothing. But Come on! It's called being COOL.!! Some are busy spending time with their files and earning money.. I actually can't understand this, does money bring happiness to the soul?! God. And and and.. There are even peop...